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PathoSEEK® Listeria Detection Assay (200 rxn)

SKU: 420185
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The PathoSEEK® Listeria Detection Assay is used in combination with SenSATIVAx® DNA Purification Kits and qPCR Master Kit v3 to detect Listeria monocytogenes in cannabis and hemp flower, concentrates, or infused products. 

PathoSEEK Detection Assays are multiplex tests based on gene amplification and detection by quantitative PCR. Each PathoSEEK Detection Assay contains primers and probes specific for the target species as well as an internal cannabis control. The target organisms will be read on the following fluorophores:
  • Cannabis DNA - HEX
  • Listeria - FAM

The PathoSEEK® Listeria Detection Assay is approved for use on either the Agilent AriaMx Real-Time PCR instrument or the BioRad CFX96, and it must be used in combination with:
Note: Listeria cells are slow-growing and can be rapidly out-grown by competitors. This is why we require samples be incubated for 24-48 hours at 35C in Listeria Enrichment Broth for selective enrichment. We recommend media manufactured by Hardy Diagnostics (P/N U93). Medicinal Genomics does not sell this product directly. 

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Specifically designed for use across the cannabis and hemp matrices, including flower, concentrates, and a range of infused products, the PathoSEEK platform uses qPCR technology, which has been proven in the food and healthcare industries, to be the most accurate, repeatable, and automatable product safety testing methodology.

All Medicinal Genomics reagents are manufactured in a facility certified to ISO 9001 standards. All lots of reagents are functionally tested in house and Certificates of Analysis (COAs) are available upon request.

Please contact support@medicinalgenomics.com if you have any questions or concerns.


AOAC Certified
You can use the PathoSEEK 5-Color Aspergillus Multiplex assays with confidence because they were specifically designed for use on cannabis matrices and the AOAC PTM has certified its use for:

  • Next-day results. 24-hour enrichment for cannabis flower
  • Multiple matrices. Cannabis flower, infused edibles, and concentrates

View the AOAC Certificate

No Re-runs Necessary
Previous Aspergillus multiplex assays required labs to run four species-specific assays to identify which type of Aspergillus triggered a failure. The new PathoSEEK® 5-Color Aspergillus Multiplex Assay does it all in a single qPCR reaction. This means your lab can stock fewer reagents, deliver faster results, and save money!

Cannabis DNA Internal Control
All PathoSEEK qPCR assay internal controls target a sequence in the cannabis genome, which helps to ensure plant cells have been lysed to release pathogens growing endophytically, DNA survived extraction intact, and there is no contamination in your Assay Master Mix.

Primers and Probes Designed for Cannabis
All PathoSEEK primers and probes were tested in-silico against the cannabis genome to ensure no cross-reactivity. Other platforms that use primers and probes borrowed from food testing may inadvertently hit the cannabis genome.

Universal Cycle Time
All PathoSEEK assays use the same cycle program, so you can run several different assays simultaneously.

Turnkey Automation
DNA purification and qPCR setup can be fully automated with turnkey solutions from Agilent Technologies, Hamilton Robotics, and MGI/BGI.


This test was developed, and its performance characteristics determined by Medicinal Genomics Company, for laboratory use. Any deviations from this protocol are not supported by MGC.

This test has not been validated on remediated (irradiated, ozone treated, acid treated, hydrogen peroxide treated, etc.) samples. Samples that have undergone remediation may cause discordant results between plating methods and PathoSEEK methods. When remediated samples produce a result above the action limit on qPCR, we recommend confirming viability with an approved plating method.

Results may vary based on laboratory conditions. Altitude and humidity are factors known to affect the growth of bacterial and fungal species.
