The Oregon Starter Bundle includes all the reagents a testing lab needs to test cannabis samples for the microbial targets required by regulators in Oregon.
LIMITED OFFER: Purchase the PathoSEEK Oregon Starter Bundle, and we will throw in a FREE PsiloSEEK P. Cubensis Speciation Assay Starter Bundle! This is a great way to position your lab to meet the new cannabis testing rules (effective March 1, 2023) AND the psilocybin testing rules (effective January 1, 2023)!
Please note: This bundle includes the quantities of each component needed to process 200 Samples.
- SenSATIVAx Flower / Leaf DNA Extraction Kit
- SenSATIVAx MIP / Extract DNA Extraction Kit (for 1 Gram sampling)
- SCCG Positive Control
- Tryptic Soy Broth (for 1 Gram sampling)
- qPCR Master Kit
- Salmonella & STEC E. coli Detection Assay & Control
- Aspergillus 5-Color Multiplex Detection Assay & Control for the Agilent AriaMx (Biorad 5-Color Assay also available)
- Magnet Plate for Extraction Protocol