The AHP Starter Bundle includes all the reagents a testing lab needs to test cannabis samples for the microbial targets recommended by the American Herbal Pharmacopeia.
Please note: This bundle includes the quantities of each component necessary to process your first 200 Samples.
- SenSATIVAx Flower / Leaf DNA Extraction Kit
- SenSATIVAx MIP / Extract DNA Extraction Kit
- SCCG Positive Control
- Tryptic Soy Broth
- qPCR Master Kit
- SenSATIVAx TLP Extraction Enzyme
- Total Yeast & Mold Detection Assay & Control
- Total Aerobic Count Detection Assay & Control
- Salmonella & STEC E. coli Multiplex Detection Assay & Control
- Total Coliform Detection Assay & Control
- Bile Tolerant Gram Negative Detection Assay & Control
- Magnet Plate for Extraction Protocol
Purchasing information for consumables and equipment not sold by Medicinal Genomics can be found here.